
Social Media Marketing Express

Original price was: $700.00.Current price is: $500.00.

  1. Product/ Service – Social Media Marketing
  2. Qty- 1 Brand
  3. Delivery Time– Monthly
  4. Price– $ 500

Included in this service- Monthly

  1. Product- Social Media Marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Google
  2. Post Design  25 +25 = 50
  3. Video Development (30-sec length)- 1/ Month
  4. Posting on the above site (monthly)- 50 Max
  5. Brand profile linking

Please keep them handy and provide details as written below- email to

  1. After completing the Order, please mention Order/ Reference No. with payment transferred details
  2. Email I’d
  3. Mobile number
  4. User Id & Password
(1 customer review)


  • The order confirmation is subject to approval (T&C Apply).
  • We charge for professional service.
  • Using the logo above is only for reference, not for commercial.
  • Subject to New Delhi Jurisdiction.

1 review for Social Media Marketing Express

  1. anilgoyal

    Good Work Bro

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